SPMS PTO Membership

Invest in your child's education at SPMS.



  • Go to meetings?

No. However, you are welcome to attend our general meetings held the first Thursday of the month at 6:30pm at SPMS. Join Us!


  • Volunteer or spend a lot of time at school?

Nope! Joining the PTO is not the same as volunteering. If you choose to volunteer, we would LOVE the help—but volunteering is not required.

  • If I join, will my dues make a difference to my child or the school?

YES!  Membership dues are the primary source of funds for the PTO and the school relies on PTO for financial support for things like teacher/classroom materials, support for clubs, technology, student engagement, community building activities, staff appreciation and so much more.  What this means is that the school and our students need the PTO and the PTO needs you! 


Thank you!


For general questions, email - SPMS PTO

For website issues, email - SPMS PTO Web

 Upcoming Events

Legend: AACPS, SPMS,PTO Meetings,
PTO Calendar